Harvest Moon Ds Walkthrough 9,4/10 3867 votes

I have been playing this game for some time now and I'm still trying to get a kitchen. I've extended my house. My friend at school said., Harvest Moon DS Questions and answers, Nintendo DS.

I got these from a different guide with all 101 by Jirachi-Doomdesire so that youdidn’t have to find them one at a time on there. Because you need 60 to freethe Harvest Goddess and to marry (but you need all 101 to marry the Harvest Goddess).1. Oran: Activate the Thomas' Winter Request event on Winter 2.

When Thomas comes by inthe morning he will ask you to find an item for him. He will return at 4:30 pm. Give himthe item and he will reward you with a piece of Golden Lumber.

The team Leader will thenappear.2. Bran: Chop 100 small sticks with your Axe.3. Tilus: Destroy 100 small rocks with your Hammer.4.

Alpen: Destroy 5 large stones with your Hammer. Large stones look like giant sizedversions of the small stones, and are not the multi-sided boulders. You will have toupgrade your Hammer to Copper or higher before you can destroy the large stones.5. Canary: Have 15 baby animal births on your farm. Any combination of chickens, ducks,sheep, and cows will be fine. Obviously the poultry are easier since the baby birds hatchin a few days.6.

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Kali: Brush, talk, or pick up your animals for a total of 50 times without the use ofthe Touch Glove. Just use your normal abilities and don't have the Touch Gloved equippedin the Ornament slot inside your Rucksack.7.

Mouton: Rub your animals just with the Touch Glove 50 times. Equip the glove into yourOrnament slot inside your Rucksack, nothing usable on an animal in your Tool slot, thenpress A when standing next to an animal. You will be able to use the stylus to pet youranimals.8. BooHoo: Rub your animals just with the Touch Glove 100 times.9. Beta: Wash your animals 50 times using the Brush and the Touch Glove.10. Fraw: Place 1000 items into the Shipping Bin.

The 1000 items can be any combination ofitems as long as you can toss it into the bin. This includes your crops, animal produce,and even things such as weeds and sticks.11.

Veggie: Purchase the Shipping Basket from Karen's shop for 5000 G. After the basketis delivered throw a shippable item into it.12. Kevin: You will receive the horse from Takakura after you have shipped 1000 items. Thehorse is full grown and will have saddlebags to use for shipping produce. Toss an iteminto the saddlebags.13 + 14. Kamar + Moor: Ship a Cabbage.

You can buy Cabbage Seeds from the Sprite Casinofor 500 Medals each. The crop will grow during the spring season.15. Vail: Ship a Pepper.

You can buy green Pepper Seeds from the Sprite Casino for 150Medals each. The crop will grow during the fall season.16. Violetto: Use the Hot Springs by the Circus grounds 200 times for at least 1 hour at atime. You basically need to hop into the spa, sit there for an hour, and hop back out. TheHot Springs can be found by activating Flora's blue heart event.17.

Nette: Hire the Healing team and ask them to restore your Stamina 100 times. You canask the team to heal you once about every half hour in-game.18. Anime: Eat 30 pieces of wild grass. You can find the grasses scattered around thenon-cultivated areas of the valley. To eat something you have to hold it in your hands andthen press the X button. Elli Leaves also count towards this total.19. Powery: Eat 80 pieces of wild grass.20.

Spirity: Purchase 1 drink from the Blue Bar.21. Carey: Use the Hot Springs up by the Goddess Pond 200 times for at least 1 hour at atime.

This is similar to the requirements needed to find Violet. This spa can be unlockedif you use the 1st Hot Springs 100 times.22. Blue: Cast your fishing line into the Hot Springs near the Circus grounds.23.

Paige: Catch 50 fish. You can hire their own team mates to catch the required numberof fish, but the other Fishing Sprites can not find their own kind. When you check yourshipped items list and you discover that you've had them catch X amount of fish, you needto cast your own line into any fishable water area to rescue the hidden Sprite.24. Fry: Catch 500 fish.25. Yacht: You will need to hire Gotz to build the Duck Pond on your farm.

After it hasbeen constructed, cast your fishing line into the pond.26. Riviera: On your farm will be a small waterpond where you can fill up your WateringCan. Try and fish in the pond using your Fishing Rod to find this fellow.27. Reese: Try to fish in the Hot Springs by the Goddess Pond. This spa will unlock afteryou have used the 1st Hot Spring 100 times.28. Chorori: Water 1000 pieces of crop land. You can hire the team to do the watering foryou, but they can't unlock their own hidden team mate.

There is no way to know how manysquares of land they've watered so every so often use your own Watering Can to see if ahidden Sprite appears.29. Misty: Fill your Watering Can 10 times.30. Karaf: Press the A button while standing next to the water pond near to your horsebarn. Karaf is one of the first Sprites you'll find in the game.31. Guts: When the Witch Princess kicks you into the Sprite Tree at the beginning of thegame you will find this fellow.32. Jackie: On the east side of the valley is a path that exits the area. If you try andescape the valley you will discover Jackie.34.

Jet: Go upstairs in the Inn and you'll find Van's orange crate where he sets up shop.Stand on the northern side of the crate and press the A button. Once found, Jet sets up ashop next to Guts.35. Roller: After the 8th of spring, walk across the bridge near Vesta's farm. Roller willappear and open up the Casino in the back of the Sprite Tree.36. Jum: Press the A button while standing at the fountain in front of Romana's mansion.You can then play the Memory game at the Casino.37.

Tep: To the left of the Inn is a stove surrounded by a fence. Hop the fence bypressing the B button and then press A again while standing in front of the stone oven.You can now play the Blackjack game at the Casino.38. Hops: There is a water well next to the Blue Bar. Inside you'll find the Poker dealerSprite.39. Mercury: After you find Guts the Channel 1 Sprite will appear.40. Venus: Purchase an item from Karen's store for a total of 10 days.41. Earth: Rescue 20 lost Harvest Sprites.42.

Mars: Ship at least 300 of one item that you have produced on your farm. Items thatcount are crops, flowers, tree fruit, milk, eggs, or wool.43. Jupiter: Purchase 5 Records from Jet at the Sprite Tree.44. Saturn: Participate in 3 seasonal festivals.45. Uranus: Befriend a villager to 100 Friendship Points. You can easily find this Spriteby using the show your pet trick.46. Neptune: Available from the beginning of the game.47.


Walter: Water 5000 pieces of crop land.48. Rod: Catch 1000 fish.49. Gigi: Catch 5000 fish.50. Souly: Purchase 50 drinks from the Blue Bar.51.


Koto: Eat 150 pieces of wild grass.52. Pedro: Catch 10,000 fish.53. Sacci: Use the Hot Springs by the Goddess Pond 500 times for at least 1 hour at atime.54. Whitney: Hire the Healing team and ask them to restore your Stamina 500 times.55.

Juna: Hire the Healing team and ask them to restore your Stamina 750 times.56. Sante: Hire the Healing team and ask them to restore your Stamina 1000 times.57. Ridge: Place 5000 items into the Shipping Bin.58. Aiylee: Wash your animals 100 times using the Brush and the Touch Glove.59. Pompom: Wash your animals 300 times using the Brush and the Touch Glove.60.

Canal: Rub your animals just with the Touch Glove 300 times.I hope this helped or is helping.